Friday, November 6, 2009

Time Tunnel Vol 2 Megaupload If Tunnel Is Dug From North Pole To Equator, And Rails Installed, What Will Be Minimal Travel Time?

If tunnel is dug from North pole to equator, and rails installed, what will be minimal travel time? - time tunnel vol 2 megaupload

Assuming that the earth is round and has a uniform density.

When the tunnel is dug from the North Pole to the Equator, and rails in the tunnel that is installed, the minimum travel time by a tram to move freely on the slopes without friction?

When the tunnel straight and then a journey to be π √ (R / G) = 42 minutes. Can we win, this time for the election of a single other tunnel?


  1. They talk about the idea of "gravity". The funny thing is that half of the trip is to accelerate the "weak point" in the tunnel (near the middle) of the earth, then reach a slowing of the equator (at a rate of zero).

    The total duration of 42 minutes and 12 seconds.

    That's good, but it is actually a better design for the tunnel. Taking advantage of the acceleration of gravity that really makes sense to have a tunnel is not straight, but bowed to the Center of the Earth more. It would be a hypocycloid.

    The track is a little more, but offset by a higher average speed. I have about how the current time the new tunnel to be calculated, but it is actually less.

    Check wikipedia and read about "gravity train" and "hypocycloid" for more information.

  2. Since you are assuming that the earth is spherical, would then tunnel from the north to the south pole the fastest.
